Dog Kennel, Entrepreneur Board Game and A.I. Clothes-sizing Concepts Claim Prizes at Mizzou
Dog Kennel, Entrepreneur Board Game and A.I. Clothes-sizing Concepts Claim Prizes at Mizzou.
Yesterday’s Entrepreneur Quest competition at Mizzou saw student entrepreneurs pitch some unique ideas and solutions as they competed for $30K in cash prizes. The final results are listed below:
First Place for $15K
Murray Kennel Company – A Murphy-style dog crate that folds up against any wall to save space, presented by Jack Murray.
Second Place for $10K
SKYPIG – Imaginative games that inspire entrepreneurship, presented by Aaron Heienickle.
Third Place for $5K
ALLTER – A platform that collects and translates customer data to deliver accurate clothing sizes, presented by Michelle Gershkovich.
Other Competitors
Askepion Universal Medical Network (AUMN) – A blockchain-based computer program that stores and maintains electronic medical records, Chris Floyd.
Nuffroom – A mobile app that streamlines the noise complaint resolution process, presented by Zeph France.
Rad By Design – One-of-a-kind fashion pieces created with repurposed textiles, presented by Georgiana Gnibus.
Supersole – Affordable and customizable shoe insoles created with 3D printing technology, presented by Kobe Messick and Sam O’Neill.
Student Storage – Lockable secure bins for students to use for easy storage over summer break, presented by Noah Strodtman.
Beam Bracelet – A wearable, fashionable, and hygienic storage for orthodontic devices, presented by Clay Van Eaton and Reagan Van Eaton.